When you register as a Patient at our Practice, you provide consent for our Specialists and Practice Staff to access and use your personal information so that you may be provided with the best possible healthcare. Only staff who need to see your personal information will have access to it.
The main purpose for the collection, use, storage and sharing of your personal information is for the management of your health. We may also use it for related business activities such as financial claims and payments, practice audits, accreditation and situations such as staff training.
In some circumstances your personal information may be collected from other sources. This is often because it is not practical or reasonable to collect it from you directly. These other sources may include your guardian or responsible person; other involved healthcare providers such as general practitioners, specialists, allied health professionals, hospitals, community health services and pathology and diagnostic imaging services; pharmacists, your health fund, other insurance providers, Medicare or the Department of Veterans Affairs.
We sometimes need to share your personal information: with third parties who work with our Practice for business purposes such as accreditation agencies or information technology providers. These third parties are required to comply with APP and this Policy and other healthcare providers when there is a statutory requirement to share certain personal information (e.g. Some diseases require mandatory notification)
Only people that need to access your information will be able to do so. Other than while providing medical services or as otherwise described in this policy, our Practice will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent.
Our Practice uses the latest computer software, which is cloud technology, partnering with Azure. a global leader in security, to record and store information. order tests, provide prescriptions and file specialists reports. Our computers are password protected and data is backed up daily. Any paperwork is securely stored on the premises or properly destroyed. All information recorded at the Practice is strictly confidential.
We follow the Australian Federal Privacy Laws and Standards for the Private Health Sector.
By signing the Practice New Patient Form or via the Patient Portal, on the practice management system, the Patient consents or opts out to communication by SMS to confirm appointments and to receive Recall and Reminder messages.
Significant contact via SMS, email or post is recorded in the Patient’s health record. The Practice may from time to time issue SMS to advise Patients of an event or Practice feedback survey, you may wish to opt out by replying – stop.
You have the right to request access to your medical records from our Practice, however, certain factors will determine the time frame involved in processing the request. Where information in your records is incorrect you can ask the Practice to take reasonable steps to correct that information. Your doctor can allow access to your medical record via the patient portal.
More information is available at www.oaic,gov.au
The My Health Record system is a way to record and access your health information online. If you move or travel interstate, the information can be viewed securely online, anywhere, anytime.
In an emergency, healthcare providers connected to the My Health Record system can see your health information to provide you the best possible care quickly. If you choose to, you can control who sees what information in your My Health Record. For more information go to www.myhealthrecord.qov.au
Should you have any complaints or concerns regarding privacy, you are encouraged to communicate with the Bridges Health Service Manager or your doctor.
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. https://www.oho.gld.gov.au/